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5 Cold & Flu Remedies

No doubt, you have heard the radio and TV ads urging everyone to get the annual 'flu shot.'  

Since it's now available at just about every pharmacy in town for free, it has become easier than ever to receive this vaccine. But, should you?

According to the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) the flu shot doesn't prevent the flu in at least 50% of cases. And some doctors, like Dr. David Brownstein, MD, have publicly expressed concern about research showing that the flu shot is 98% ineffective.  

You may be thinking, what about the elderly or those who are immune-compromised? Shouldn't they be get the flu shot that is touted as the best prevention? A recent study shows that the flu shot itself is ineffective in leukemia patients (a very immune-compromised group.) The truth is, the flu vaccine is hardly evidence based. Some journalists have suggested the flu vaccine as the 'greatest medical fraud in the history of the world."

So what can you do if you choose not to the the 'flu shot', yet still want to prevent infection?

Diet and lifestyle plays a significant role in boosting our own immune defenses, to not only prevent but reduce the duration and symptoms of infection. Sugar, highly allergenic and intolerant foods, and stress feed microbes and spread disease.  

I recommend boosting protein intake, follow a sugar, gluten and dairy free diet rich in organic bright colored vegetables and healthy fats rich in omega 3. It's also beneficial to exercise for 30 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week and get 7-9 hours of sleep nightly.

 My Top 5 Remedies
Oil of Oregano - naturally contains a constituent called carvacrol and research has shown that it gives Oil of Oregano its potent antiviral, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics. If you have tried this one before, you know how awful it can taste - but it works! That's why I recommend gel caps. They are small and easy to swallow and there's no taste.
Vitamin D - deficiencies of this powerful nutrient (which acts like a hormone) causes immune suppression and chronic inflammation. Boosting your daily dose (I take 5,000IU) from October to May each year is a safe and effective prevention against flus, colds, cancer as well as over 200 different diseases in adults.   
Zinc - a popular treatment for the common cold . Some studies have found that zinc lozenges may reduce the duration of cold, perhaps by as much as 50%, and may reduce the number of upper respiratory infections in children. I give my daughter a zinc lozenge after breakfast each day. She loves it! However, this may only benefit you if you are deficient. A telltale sign is to check your fingernails for white spots.  
Stop it Cold Spray - this is something we keep stocked in our fridge all year long. It works like a charm to quickly alleviate symptoms of a sore throat, swollen glands, and that 'tickle' in the back of your throat. Should you be bit by the 'cold or flu bug' then keep this at your bedside table. A couple of shots to the back of your throat will help stop the 'hacking' so you get the rest you need. Note this is recommended for adults only.
Probiotics - if you have worked with me before you know I am all about building a healthy microbiome and gut. In fact, over 70% of your immune system is in the gut. Probiotics function as natural antibiotics defending us against bacterial and viral infections like influenza. Choosing a probiotic supplement can be tricky for most. I recommend a brand that contains at least 10 different strains of friendly bacteria, and between 10-15 billion live organisms from dairy + gluten free sources. ​

So, there you have it. My top 5 picks which have a long proven track record of success. There are many natural health care products on the market and it can be confusing and overwhelming to know just which one is best. That's why I offer access to my professional online dispensary where you can find only my trusted brands with proven results. You can join HERE, it's free! And if you need any help, be sure to reach out for support. 

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